Sunday, June 21, 2009

Damn tireddddddddddddddddddddddd. school suck esp chemistry.
aiyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bye lah.

Friday, June 19, 2009

HELLO! 5 days not updating, muahaha. school was fun! and im trying real hard to adjust myself back to the usual timing. Its quite sad to hear that the next lab lesson for microbiology is 2 more lessons away. i love microbio labs! always giving me surprises that keeps my curiousity going. Anyway, this is what will happen to you if you forget to bring your lab coat!

MUAHAHA. kenneth is the model of the day man. Faci is good enough to provide him with a new style of wear lab coats. not bad uh, and what's best is, its free and disposable! definately better then our $25 lab coats. LOL.

I cannot stop laughing at his new lab coat really because of the words scrabbled on his back. And to be honest, it was the first time im handling a microscope. And getting to look though what is happening inside was totally amazing. I love microbio. (;

The bacteria that we have grown in the agar was pretty gross. The one below dont really have any growth in it. my team's agar was like WHAO. just like a group of ants.

I swear i love science to the max because it is just so amazing (; but of course, it sucks too.
STAGE AND ME(; Char dont know doing what with khai's hp.<3
Packing up! (;

went to look for ky and stayed at her place till alvin is back!
Cheer up kiaying, i love you and will always be there(;

Monday, June 15, 2009

HELLO ! BLOG DEAD! sorry for the disappearance ! was having a great time enjoying my holidays and didnt really have time to update. there is just so much to blog about but i guess i'll just talk about sat at my aunt's new condo. IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! I cannot believe my eyes when i steeped into the condo because it was totally like my dream house! It was a pity that i have forgotten to bring my camera along and i didnt manage to take any pictures. Any way, we went there to celebrate my grandma's birthday and also take a look at my aunt's condo. My little cousin is seriously so lucky to be borned in sucha family!

When i spend time with their family, my heart really filled with jealousy and was so envious. Even my mom spot that im jealous. i mean, who will not be? my cousin have everything he wants. good school,good rich home,tennis player, and i popped a question to him, Do you have everything you want? He replied : almost. except a dog. omgggg man.

OMGGGG. who says money cannot buy happiness? total nonsense. but well, not totally, but still 80% true. How many people would agree? i would agree that my cousin is happy,so does his family. well, he's just lucky i guess?

okay,i'll stop bragging for a while..My aunt ordered yum cha for lunch and i love their red bean banana dessert! you guess should try. totally OMG.

I didnt manage to capture the food in the begining. Was too hungry to even think about it. HAHA.

And guess what? my cute grandma made agar agar using..............

EGGSHELLS! hahaha. damn creative and totally cute. I asked her why must she make the jellies in the eggshell,and she said, It is more convinent as we can eat and throw. super creative right. Love her.

At first i thought the jellies will taste like shit. but to my surprise, they taste really good! really.
Me and my medium sis (; next time i will remember my camera k=(
Lastly, i wish im a rich kid! but still i love my family and everything i have now(;

Monday, June 8, 2009

hello blog.
Havent been updating! im so damn lazy i swear.
met mindy today! <3>
been meeting lowwenjie for the last past few days.
&&& mahjong at shiquan's house. beeen long since i touch those tiles. hand damn itchy!
any way im super desperate for money. jobs please!


pray that everything will be alright for lowwenjie.


kkkkk bye!